Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Blog post #9


What I've Learned This Year

  I chose to read Mr. McClung's post from May 27, 2009 because that is around the time that I graduated. I loved this post because he gives different tips and pointers about teaching because this is after his first year as a teacher. The picture that he had before the article looked like a piece of paper that he had written that said An important decision that I made this year is Stay Positive. He gave different pointers about things like Be flexible, Communicate, and give an audience based lesson.
  He said one of the more common things he did was worry about being assessed by his superiors and not giving an understandable lesson to fit the kids. I think this is something that all teachers need to realize whether they have been teaching for years or are just starting. You have to fit your lesson to the kids. Make it interesting and fun to keep them in tune and involved.
  Lastly he said two points at the end that really spoke to me. He said you should always listen to your students and never stop learning. I love these posts because they are something that I strive to do when I become a teacher. First of all to teach you should never stop learning whether it's material for your subject matter or technology. Always continue to learn, you can never know everything. Lastly, you should always listen to your students, that's one thing that I loved about some of the teachers I had. They would listen to us, ask us what we liked, and try to change things to better fit us. I always told myself I wanted to strive to do the same thing.

June 23, 2011

 This post was three years later after his first year teaching. He made some great points about knowing who you're boss is. Like most teachers do he said don't try to please the adults so much that you forget about the kids. He said the students should be our primary focus and how we serve them rather than serving administration 24/7. Another one he posted was don't be afraid to be an outsider. Which pretty much means stay true to yourself no matter what the other teachers do. He said he has never been one to fit in and he was ok with that.
  He always strives to be the different teacher which is something that I really think is cool. He's not afraid to be the one guy that stands up for the kids or what he believes. He puts the kids first and tries to make their learning experience the best it can be for them to learn the best. These things are things that I have always thought of how I would be as a teacher. A true student's teacher who understands them, listens to them, and makes school better for them. I plan to keep up wit these posts and use his tips and pointers as I become a teacher.


  1. Hello Zack, I can tell that you enjoyed Mr. McClung's posts a lot. I loved it too and just as you it makes me want to strive to be a good teacher in the near future as well. You had a few wording errors and missed a some comma splices, but other than that your post is really good! We're at the home stretch now, good luck the rest of the class time!

  2. I hope you will make annual reflections like Mr. McClung.

    And learn from the kids as well!
