Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Blog Post 7

Motorcycle fail

The Networked Student

This video by Wendy Drexler was really interesting and it really showed you how education is changing. Networking is becoming more and more a part of education and it will only continue to grow as the future progresses. It gives you a better understanding of virtual networking and learning where someone may have not had it before. It also explains some more tools that you could use besides a book. Me personally I am all for technological advancements in education but, I don't want them to ever completely do away with books. They are such a good fallback tool to go to.
I thought it was really cool how they explained what the theory of connectivism means. Connectivism is that says the learning occurs as part of a social network with many diverse connections and ties. I never knew what this meant before now so that was really good to have that broken down to have a better understanding so maybe if I have a co-worker who believes in connectivism I can relate to them in a sense.
When it got to the point where it asked why a networked student even needed a teacher it was because she helped them on so many levels. Yes she hardly lectured but, when they needed help the teacher was there to explain things. Things like guidance, proper communication, differentiate information, and helps them stay organized. This teacher is still a big part of this class because they would have never gotten some of these assignments finished on time without her. I also believed she opened up many doors for their future while introducing them to connectivism.

2. A seventh Graders PLE(personal Learning Environment)

I thought this video was really cool because there was so much that was going on for a seventh grader. I would have never dreamed of being able to do all of that as a seventh grader. She had page that had her school work, social networking, and different web pages. She could get on before school and see what she is going to have to work on for school. I really want to use this type of things for my future as a teacher.

1 comment:

  1. "Me personally I am all for technological advancements in education but, I don't want them to ever completely do away with books." My prediction" is that schools will operate without printed books (except those in the library museum, within 10 years. All information will be in the cloud and accessible form anywhere at anytime by anybody with an internet connection.

    You understand the new role of teachers in a networked world. Are you ready to be that kind of teacher?
