Thursday, March 29, 2012

C4K March

Kaitlyn's Third Quiz
                The first post that I commented on was this girl named Kaitlyn who loved to do unique things on her blog. The post that I was supposed to comment on was a quiz that Kaitlyn came up with. It was really interesting and had an actor and some bands in it and i believe a few tv shows. I left her a comment and told her it was really cool to see her generation doing things like this using technology. I also told her I couldn't really answer who any of the people were but, it was really interesting. She commented back and said she appreciated my comment and everything that I wrote.

Kaitlyn's Blog

Caroline's Blog
        My other comment was for this other girl named Caroline and her blog. First off I noticed that she put a lot of work into her blog because it is colorful and has different layouts where it looks like she has been doing this for a little while. She had a really cool post talking about how she liked to ski and take pictures. I left her a comment saying how I have never been skiing but, I do like to wakeboard. I also talked about how photography would be a good hobby to pick up because there is nothing like seeing the finished product and what you can do with a camera. She had a really cool blog, I just wish I could have done things like this at their age.

Project 14

C4T Summary

C4T Summaries

My C4t summaries came from a blog by Will Richardson. He put's very interesting blog posts up to open eyes about education here in America. All of his posts are interesting and they always receive a lot of feedback from all over the world. His points are different ones that most people wouldn't really go to which makes his posts very different.
       The first post that I commented on was a post where he spoke about Kony and the chaos that erupted with this video. He spoke about how great it would be if there was an Education 2012 video to show what education looks like in this day and time in a networked world. He made it clear that you can't just not be amazed by the Kony video no matter the reasoning behind it. He said that there should definitely be an Education 2012 video itching to be made that puts children front and center and get's people excited about the advancement of education.

The next post that I commented on was a really cool post that opens your eyes to some points that you may not think about. He speaks of how places like Singapore try to prepare their kids for a diverse world. They want to prepare their students for the test of life not just tests. He talks about how China's main priorities are thinking and problem solving and teaching them to live in a highly integrated global environment. He just talks about how these places are preparing kids for values and the actual real world outside of school. He said Someone gets it, Why aren't we? He really is kind of right because America and teachers around here focus on tests and students scores to make them look good.

Will's Blog

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Blog post #9


What I've Learned This Year

  I chose to read Mr. McClung's post from May 27, 2009 because that is around the time that I graduated. I loved this post because he gives different tips and pointers about teaching because this is after his first year as a teacher. The picture that he had before the article looked like a piece of paper that he had written that said An important decision that I made this year is Stay Positive. He gave different pointers about things like Be flexible, Communicate, and give an audience based lesson.
  He said one of the more common things he did was worry about being assessed by his superiors and not giving an understandable lesson to fit the kids. I think this is something that all teachers need to realize whether they have been teaching for years or are just starting. You have to fit your lesson to the kids. Make it interesting and fun to keep them in tune and involved.
  Lastly he said two points at the end that really spoke to me. He said you should always listen to your students and never stop learning. I love these posts because they are something that I strive to do when I become a teacher. First of all to teach you should never stop learning whether it's material for your subject matter or technology. Always continue to learn, you can never know everything. Lastly, you should always listen to your students, that's one thing that I loved about some of the teachers I had. They would listen to us, ask us what we liked, and try to change things to better fit us. I always told myself I wanted to strive to do the same thing.

June 23, 2011

 This post was three years later after his first year teaching. He made some great points about knowing who you're boss is. Like most teachers do he said don't try to please the adults so much that you forget about the kids. He said the students should be our primary focus and how we serve them rather than serving administration 24/7. Another one he posted was don't be afraid to be an outsider. Which pretty much means stay true to yourself no matter what the other teachers do. He said he has never been one to fit in and he was ok with that.
  He always strives to be the different teacher which is something that I really think is cool. He's not afraid to be the one guy that stands up for the kids or what he believes. He puts the kids first and tries to make their learning experience the best it can be for them to learn the best. These things are things that I have always thought of how I would be as a teacher. A true student's teacher who understands them, listens to them, and makes school better for them. I plan to keep up wit these posts and use his tips and pointers as I become a teacher.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Blog post 8


This Is How We Dream part 1&2

In these videos Dr. Richard E. Miller talks about some of the great changes that have come with multimedia over the last few years. These changes have affected everything in our daily life. He talks about the changes in writing with multimedia and how the changes of communication are some of the most important in our life time. He also showed some really cool things in his videos like how they had updates on the election of president Obama and had interviews with different people. I thought how they showed that newspapers kept up with election as votes came in with both print based and moving image based photos was really interesting.

The two points he makes are the two main types of changes. There was Incremental change and Fundamental change that he spoke of in the videos. Incremental change was more or less saying things like our work space has changed from the library or writing with a pencil to our laptops. Research, writing, communication is all on your laptop and it cuts out the need for the trips to the library. He also used examples of collaborating through networking. Which meant that we didn't just have to have text anymore we can include movies and pictures to make learning better.

Fundamental change was what he said makes technology possible. Things like kids not using word processors in the future but using different technologies to compose things. I am looking forward to using things like these technologies in the future and learning more. He also spoke about in the second video that it is our duty to share ideas for our culture. He said that ideas don't belong to us individually but to us as a culture which I found to be really neat. Overall it's just really crazy to see all of the changes and technological advances taking place as we speak. There's no limit to what education can be like in the future.

Blog Post 12 by Carly Pugh

I really liked Carly's post and how she tried to challenge everyone to a point on what they had already learned. I liked what she said about how videos usually do help the learning process. I mean who doesn't want to watch videos and learn. I really liked how on the playlist she wanted people to find videos that described the kind of teacher they would like to be and show ways that they could motivate their students. That to me accomplished her goal at the beginning of the post of making the assignment seem like Dr. Strange came up with it himself. Overall it was a really cool post with a lot of great ideas in it.

The Chipper Series & EDM310 for Dummies

The chipper series was pretty funny and it cracked me up how she kept thinking all of those jobs and ideas were going to work. She went through all of that and in real like probably would have wasted years doing all of these other things because she thought it was a better road to take instead of sticking it out and finishing school. At the end she realized though and eventually came back to school. This is so true and so many people do this all the time but, this would be a good video for them to watch if they were having thoughts about quitting school.

Edm310 for dummies cracked me up when they were trying to break keyboards and screaming! But, I know what they mean with getting frustrated in this class and freaking out. I mean, I don't stand up and try to destroy school property but, I do get frustrated. Things have gotten a lot better though recently because I have managed my time better. I try to get up early on Tuesdays and Thursdays and come to the lab and work on things and that has really helped. I just try to have more fun with things instead of seeing it as a nuisance.

Learn to Change, Change to Learn
I loved this video because it is so true. The world is completely changing from what we are used to. Technology is opening up so many doors for the future of education but it get's rejected in schools for old school teaching. One thing I have learned from this class and other education courses here at South is just how important networking can be for education. They really hit the nail on the head when they said that kid's are in more stimulating learning environments outside of school than in school. The very things that these kids are using outside of school are the things that are being banned inside of schools because they believe it hinders them. This video just makes me even more excited about bringing these tools to the table as a teacher.

Scavenger Hunt

Locate a tool similar to Facebook/twitter

On the web2.0 I went to community tools and chose the first link to a website called which was really cool and I have never heard of it. It is like facebook as far as the networking goes but the cool thing is it's like for teachers and students. They have different things like events and different communities that you can find and join. They also have sections for practices for teachers and students which I thought was really neat. These kind of tools are what the education of the future needs.

Locate the tool that most likely created this presentation
I believe that the tool that created this presentation was Animoto. It gives you te opportunity to bring ina whole new world of lessons for your students with videos. The pricing had three different categories. The first category was free which had unlimited 3o second videos which really is not a bad deal. The second was $30 a year or $5 amonth which gave you unlimited feature length videos and 600+ music tracks from a wide variety of genres. The third option $249 a year which comes with everything pretty much. Unlimited music, featured videos. HD upgrades, and downloads. This is pretty expensive but, when you think about everything that you get with it I think it's not a bad deal at all.

Video Feature
A video feature that I have never used before would be Animoto. I have never even heard of it before now but, it seems to be really cool. It syncs with so many different things such as facebook, flickr, and photobucket to let you upload images. It also lets you use music. The coolest part about the music is you can use your own mp3s that you may already have stored on your computer. Or you have the other option which is to look through some of their music and search through plenty of genres. Lastly you can watch your finished product in HD or upload it to youtube or even put it on a DVD. There's no limit to what you can do while composing a video using Animoto.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Blog Post 7

Motorcycle fail

The Networked Student

This video by Wendy Drexler was really interesting and it really showed you how education is changing. Networking is becoming more and more a part of education and it will only continue to grow as the future progresses. It gives you a better understanding of virtual networking and learning where someone may have not had it before. It also explains some more tools that you could use besides a book. Me personally I am all for technological advancements in education but, I don't want them to ever completely do away with books. They are such a good fallback tool to go to.
I thought it was really cool how they explained what the theory of connectivism means. Connectivism is that says the learning occurs as part of a social network with many diverse connections and ties. I never knew what this meant before now so that was really good to have that broken down to have a better understanding so maybe if I have a co-worker who believes in connectivism I can relate to them in a sense.
When it got to the point where it asked why a networked student even needed a teacher it was because she helped them on so many levels. Yes she hardly lectured but, when they needed help the teacher was there to explain things. Things like guidance, proper communication, differentiate information, and helps them stay organized. This teacher is still a big part of this class because they would have never gotten some of these assignments finished on time without her. I also believed she opened up many doors for their future while introducing them to connectivism.

2. A seventh Graders PLE(personal Learning Environment)

I thought this video was really cool because there was so much that was going on for a seventh grader. I would have never dreamed of being able to do all of that as a seventh grader. She had page that had her school work, social networking, and different web pages. She could get on before school and see what she is going to have to work on for school. I really want to use this type of things for my future as a teacher.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Blog post 6

First off this video that Randy Pausch made of this lecture called Last Lecture was very inspirational. It was a great thing to hear that someone talks about all of their dreams and how all of the dreams and goals whether they reached them or not made them who they were. I would recommend this video to anyone to watch to maybe get some inspiration or some motivation no need your career choice.
He talks about different dreams throughout his life and they were really all amazing. He had dreams like be in zero gravity, play in the NFL, and become a Disney imagineere. It was really cool to see how he speaks of all of his dreams, the ones he reached and didn't reach. One of my favorite things he said was that Brick walls are built not to stop us but to see how bad we want something. Brick walls are meant to stop the people that don't want it bad enough. That is truly motivational and inspirational.
He talks about his tumors and how he only has a few months to live but he just says that's not what he's there to talk about and moved on. He says how he was in better shape than most people there and he got down and did like twenty push ups! This was just a truly inspirational video and I am so glad that I got to see it. He shows how he got his dream of going into Zero gravity on the plain called the "Vomit Comet".
That was a really cool part of the video to see then he said that he wanted to play in the NFL but he didn't get to. But, he said that was all ok but football still made him who he was . He speaks of his old head coach and how he was old school and stayed on him pretty hard when he messed up which is what he needed. The last one was where he became a Disney imagineere after trying so hard to. He eventually became a consultant for them for ten years! He truly lived his life to the fullest and he inspired everyone in that room to keep them motivated. It was just an all around great video.

C4K Summary

In my first comments I didn't do everything right and I forgot to save details but I do remember what everything was about.
My first post this girl named Hannah had a really interesting post talking about how she didn't mind one Ap class she was taking because she loved the text book she had read. She said she actually liked the text book and having it to refer to. I commented on it and said that I completely agreed with her because I also love having text books to refer to and look back on. It was an all around good post.

My third c4k was about a girl named amy in Mrs. Garcia's class. She wrote a really cool poem called the Knewts where she was ble to really tie some rhymes together to create a clever poem. Her teachers class blog showed that they had famous fighter named Brock Lesner come and read to the class and I was shocked personally. I didn't know that guy was one to come read to a class like that but, i was very intrigued by it and I left a comment to the kid in the class and for their teacher and asked them how they liked having Brock read to them. I thought that this was interesting post to show that teachers are taking different routes in classrooms to help children achieve more.

My fourth post was on Mr. Salsich's class and I was really impressed with this class and the video they had posted. They had a "boat project" where they would use tin foil and other materials such as straw to see which sizes and shapes of boats would work when they put marbles in one at the time. I commented and said that I thought it was really great to see kids enjoying their education so much. That's the way it should be, we should be able to teach in a way that we are able to make it fun for the kids. I know that is when I learned the best. So this was one of my favorite posts yet.