Sunday, February 5, 2012

Post #2

baseball fail

Did You Know?

I really liked this video because of all the interesting facts you probably wouldn't learn elsewhere. I thought it was pretty cool how all of the facts tied into our class and our goals for becoming a technological literate teacher. One of the main things i picked up from the video was the fact of how behind the U.S. was in this education. Imagine how much more could happen in our country when the education increased or did some of the things that those countries did.

The education system here in our country is based around what Dr. Strange likes to call burp back education. I think one of the main things that is wrong with teachers today is the way they view education and students. In my opinion there are tons of teachers who see every semester s just a group of kids who they have to get to meet a curriculum instead of actually caring how the student will learn to their best ability. I think if teachers start caring more and want the kids to know about the world around them there will be many different aspects of education that will increase.

Mr. Winkle Wakes

This video was interesting and showed side of someones opinion on the education system in today's time that you can actually say is kind of true. It showed rip van winkle waking up after One hundred years sleep and finding how the world has changed around him in so many aspects except for one, school. I guess i can see where they are coming from technology has advanced so much in the last ten to twenty years alone much less the last one hundred. Through all of this there are many aspects of school that have stayed the same as well. Books, paper, and reading are the main tools in schools today.

I did like how they did show there was a computer in the back of the room that was collecting dust because that is how a lot of the schools are today in society. They have computers in the classroom but, it is every once in a blue moon they get on and use it. Why can't you get on the computer everyday instead of having to have some type of special assignment every other week to do?

The Importance of Creativity

This was probably one of my favorite videos out of the whole group. It shows how videos need to be in school that we must watch for learning. He combines comedy with teaching to keep us awake and paying attention to his every word. If every video that we had to watch for school was like that the most boring of topics would be interesting. He was really funny and intriguing about his thoughts on the school systems and education for the future.

One of the cooler things he said was the story about the little girl who couldn't sit still. The doctor walked out and cut some music on and told her to watch. The girl started dancing and he told her she wasn't sick she was a dancer. They out her in a dancing school and now shes a multi-millionaire and world famous choreographer. We should fit education to the students needs not hand them some pills and tell them they have a problem.

A Vision for 21st Century Learning
I loved this video because it get's me ready to become a teacher. I'm going to teach history and there are tons of students that find that to be one of the most boring subjects in school. So it makes me happy to know that they tied technology into some world history in the video to show that there are ways to make it fun for everyone. I'm a firm believer in teaching through and with technology and i think that one day our system will go to something like that.

I can only hope that one day i will be able to do something cool with my students like that. It would have been unheard of for us to get on a computer when I was in high school and walk around ancient Rome and learn things through the computer, and that was just 3-4 years ago! This video just makes me excited about becoming a teacher because of all the possibilities in the future.

Harness Your students' Digital Smarts
This video was the best in my opinion out of the group of videos. We had to watch this teacher in rural Georgia teach students to be technologically literate. It really hit home to me because that is the kind of school I came from, a small rural area and small school. I can not tell you how exciting it would have been for me to have had a class like that where we learn so much on the computer and other devices. She also let her students teach class sometimes which would have been really cool I think. The classroom would have been more comfortable with everyone being so active among classmates.

These techniques are some that I hope I can use once I become an educator. There are just so many possibilities for our future and the future of our students. We can start making the classroom more interactive like this class that we are in now. Who says you have to wait until you get to college to take a class where you learn how to blog among other cool technological things. I'm just ready to become a teacher and to use some of the techniques to my own advantage in becoming a teacher who can keep up with the times.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Zack,

    Good post!

    Don't forget to proof-read your work. There were a few typing errors that are minor.


    Stephen Akins
